Score instructions: Mary Lee Roberts, Chuck Stein, John Hopkins, Paul Winkler, Tildy Bayar, BAB. 022493
A score for composers flowchart 091594
Chuck Stein, Mary Lee Roberts, John Hopkins, BAB. 042193
Mary's score: Tildy Bayar, Paul Winkler, Carroll Weaver, Chuck Stein, Penny Hyde, John Hopkins, Sol Pittenger, Mary Lee Roberts, BAB. 040792
Chuck Stein, Noel Bush, Mary Lee Roberts, John Hopkins, Penny Hyde, Gavilán Rayna Russom, BAB.121494
Flowchart: Bridget O'Connor, Jeremiah Hall, Chuck Stein, John Hopkins, Gavilán Rayna Russom, Noel Bush, BAB. 9.8.94
Think Peace.022691
Think Rock.110493
On Ben's score: Chuck Stein, Tildy Bayar, Catherine Schieve, Paul Winkler, Penny Hyde, BAB.102390
On a proposal by BAB: Markus Olin-Fahle, Sol Pittenger, Tildy Bayar, Elizabeth Underwood, Austin Grimes, Tracy Arakaki, Dan Sedia, BAB.110188
Elaine UCLA tape with our response 090687
Score: Cage Memorial 10.03.92
A Gypsy Band with Catherine Schieve, 6.24.91